We are the Sámi communities that developed these Sámi guidelines through a participatory process led by the INTERACT III project
Contact person; Nils Johanas Allas
Tel. 070-215 35 93
Dálmá Sámi village is a Sámi village north of lake Torneträsk in the Kiruna municipality. The Sámi village has it´s central residences in the Jostu, Láimoluokta and Vuoskojáuri, settlements without any road connections. Jukkasjärvi is the central residence during the winter.
Contact person; Hans-Olof Landström
Tel. 073-025 55 16
Gábná Sámi village is a mountain Sámi village located south of the Torne river. It´s central residence is in Rensjön, about 30 kilometers west of Kiruna. Gábná has summer pastures south of lake Torneträsk. It´s summer camp is Rovvidievva.
Contact person; Niila Inga
Tel. 070-546 91 19
Laevás Sámi village is a mountain Sámi village in the Norrbotten County of Sweden. Laevás Sámi village stretches along the northern side of the Kalixriver. The community has no central residences. Members have settled in several smaller settlements around the city of Kiruna.